Art journals are a passion of mine. Everything I see just lends itself to becoming an art journal. I have a vast amount of photos that need to be put into albums. Scrapbooking per se is not something I have indulged in to a large extent. But I do love making journals and decided I needed to get started on all these containers of photos. An art journal style photo album appealed to me. So I started with photos of my three girls.

I used recycled card board from postage stamps ordered on line. I love that each sheet of stamps is supported with a cut piece of card board to provide stability and keep the stamps from being crushed in the mail. I painted on these page and then cut pieces from scrap card stocks for the house. Each page will contain a house and the photos of the girls will be mounted inside the house. I have used recycled plastic bread ties for the doors and most of them will also have a chimney from these recycled ties. I have tried to add words/quotes/phrases to the page that compliment the child's personality. Some will have quotes of things said as a child, as this one does. I added an edging all around with various washi tapes. Rachel was 2yrs old in this photo. She is our second daughter. She was raised in church and had already heard many Bible stories by this age. She came running to the house one day looking very worried. I opened the door and she ran in saying, "Run, the devil is coming!" It was a helicopter. (One never knows where hell will appear!)

Sharla is our first daughter. She has always been one to beautify the home. She was about 16yrs old in this photo. I did a fussy cut on the flowers and added them to the roof of this house. The quote on this page is: "Home is where the heart is." Pliny the Elder
I love the numbers on these recycled ties. This "door" did not have any, but the "chimney" had some nice ones. This is also a painted page.
Another painted page here. I added a corrigated trim around this window. Most of the smaller photos will have a frame around them made from scraps. This photo is Rachel pulling her little sister, Jerusha (known as Ru), and her cousin, Dorrie, in the wagon. I painted the recycled ties green to coordinate with the window trim. I used a Mary Englebreit quote for this page: "Wherever you go, there you are!" (The paper I used for the house was a scrap from Cosmo of my favorites.)
This is another painted page. The house is all roses. The photo is of Ru's 4th birthday. Ru is our third daughter. Rachel is reading her cards to her. The quote says: "I don't want to grow up. I just want to be taller." I'm not sure where I saw that, but it fit. ")
I glued various pieces of scrap card stock to this page. This is Rachel (about 9yrs old) with a stuffed house she received (birthday/Christmas?) that she lived with for several years! LOL She is definitely the animal lover in our family. The quote on this page says: "All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others." George Orwell
I also painted this page.......evidently one of my favorite backgrounds. :) This is Ru with her Sheltie, Boomer, relaxing in the recliner. He really wasn't bad to be up on the furniture, but she had always held him when he was a puppy and he didn't realize he had grown so much! LOL The quote: "If you want the best seat in the house, you'll have to move the dog."
Ru in her cap and gown......Graduating Class of 1994. She is the baby in the family and was the last of the three girls to graduate from our Bruner Home School. We helped organize the first home school group in the Tulsa area. We were fortunate to have the professor of law at one of the prominent universities here to help us with the by laws and the schooling laws of Oklahoma. It has really grown by leaps and bounds since 1977!
Thus ended 17 yrs of home schooling! Mama got to retire!!!
This is another page covered with pieces of scrap card stock.
Another page with pieces of scrap card stock. I love that I had the lined paper to write on at the top of the page. Sharla was about 17-18 here, ready to go off to college and a job. I had always read the Dr. Seuss books to her growing up. This quote: "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." Dr. Seuss
This is a view of the pages closed and showing their decorative edges of washi tapes. I think it is very pretty.
Poor little album was so heavy I couldn't get it to sit up straight. This is a very simple album. I have really felt pushed to get these albums done and I've not even scratched the surface, but I do want to be more creative with the next ones. Hopefully I won't let myself feel pushed by the very fast passing of time.