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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Coming down from the tower.............

Here you see Judi, Barb and Jan as we are waiting for the next lift to go back down the tower.

We were packed into the lift like sardines.  ")  I could barely see Judi on the other side of the car.

The bus and cars look like toys below us as they go down the street.

The top of the ever present carousel.   They really are pretty but give these historic sights such a "Disneyland look". 

From the Air................

I wish I could tell you the sections of the city that you will see in these photos, but my geographical knowledge of the city of Paris is almost nil.  You can see how hazy it was that day.  It was most likely a high ozone alert day as it got much worse as they day went on.

Above is a beautiful view of the River Seine.  I think that may be the Academy below........

These gorgeous gardens are around the Eiffel Tower. 

On the Ground at Eiffel Tower.....

These soldiers were fully armed with automatic guns as they roamed the grounds and the crowds.There were several pairs of them around the Tower.

All of just had to capture this shadow with our cameras.  It was almost noon and if we had waited about another 15 minutes, we most likely would have had a straighter shadow.

Ah, The Eiffel Tower................

Hhmmmmm,  these loaded backwards.......... I was standing directly under the tower as you can tell.  What I really wanted to do was lie down directly in the center of the four legs of the tower and take the photo looking up..................just too many people in the way!  LOL

My friends Judi, Jan and Barb. 

See, just a few people out on this sunny day to go to the top of the tower and have a look around Paris.  We were there fairly early and only had to stand in line close to an hour.........we had heard the horror stories of how people how stood in line 2-3hrs to get tickets.  We considered ourselves very fortunate indeed.  ")

This is the photo I took of the tower when we first arrived.
I uploaded it first and don't know why it loaded last.  ??