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Thursday, April 12, 2012

ATCs: DTP, Watercolors and Paper Punches

The paper on the right side of this ATC has been done with the DPT approach (Direct to Paper).  Just take the inkpad and put it directly onto the paper and swipe, smear, or pat it on.  I used several shades of plum for this piece done on glossy cardstock.  When dry, cut it up to use on cards, journals or ATCs.  ")  I tore a piece of decorative cardstock that had row after row of the fluer-de-lis.  I edged around the narrow piece with a brown inkpad and then attached it to the glossy cardstock ATC.   Next I stamped the birdhouse using a black inkpad.  I stamped the three birds with turquoise onto a beige scrap of paper and cut them out.  I attached the top and bottom bird with dimensional tape and glued the remaining bird directly to the ATC.  I stamped the egg with a varigated pigment ink on glossy cardstock and used the heat gun to dry it quickly.  I cut it out and attached it in the lower right corner and attached the "Par Avion" across the egg.  I cut out the Paris faux postage and attached it to the top of the ATC.  (This was traded in a personal trade.)

I love this striped paper!  It is the reverse side of one of the papers in graphic45's Curtain Call collection.  I thought it perfect to use this wine cap.  The colorful paper is light weight watercolor paper that I used to try out some new watercolors.  I tore off a piece of it and stamped the pear image onto it with a black inkpad.  I attached the watercolor paper onto the bottom half of the ATC and attached the flattened wine cap
 to the top of the ATC.  Next I stamped the word "Pears" and tore it from the rest of the sentiment and glued it across diagonally as shown.  (This was also traded in a personal trade.)
I wanted to do a card with "windows" and decided to use my 1" round paper punch on this ATC.  I love these little flower fairies and know the recipient does too, so I punched one window to show her face and another to show the flowers at the end of the bouquet she was carrying.  My friend lives in the North and we had been emailing about longing for Spring, thus the sentiment

Building ATCs

This is the ATC I made for our art club swap in January.  I used a clothing tag as my base.  I cut out the starburst that was in the center of the circle on the tag.  I chose this face from graphic45's Curtain Call collection to show through  the opening.  The little tag at the top left of the circle is from 7gypsies.  I edged it with red ink and attached it to the tag with red eyelets.  The image on the little tag is from a photo I took in the Metro in Paris this past Sept.  I used a thumb nail print and cut it in half to attach it to the tag.  Next I placed the flower next to the circle and attached it with a rhinestone brad.  I used Cavallini's number tape to go down the side od the tag and added "Cirque" to the name on the tag.  (This tag went to my dear friend Sara.)

This tag has images from one of Sandy Gordon's art sheets that can be purchased and downloaded from her web site.  I love these strolling ladies and imagined they were from MA's era.  I placed a Paris postmark in front of the leading stroller and then attached the second lady in the foreground to add dimension to the ATC.  I entitled this one "Strolling through Paris".  (This one went to Jean, a dear lady that I have been trading with for years...........we met online in one of her ATC trades.)

This is my ATC for a personal trade that I have done for years with a very close and dear friend, Judi.  It was February and time for a little Valentine.  ")  I used the image of the little girl from the stamp collection "Polaroid Cutie".  I cut around the image in a heart shape.  I placed a strip of watercolor paper that I had used some metalic paints on along the left edge of the ATC and a piece of script paper on the right side.  I attached the heart to the ATC and added the XO sticker in the upper right corner.  I took apart a heart earring and added the open metalwork heart next the the image.  Next I outlined a ticket with a red marker and cut a rectangle from the center so I could put a word ticket behine the slit.  I mounted the tickets together with dimensional tape.  I added red rhinestones to the ticket and attached it to the bottom of the ATC as shown.  Next I stamped a small red heart in the bottom right corner.  Finally I added some clear rhinestones to the ATC.