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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

365Calendar - September

Autumn is just around the corner!   My favorite season.  I can already smell the cool autumn air.  LOL   Well, maybe tomorrow morning I'll be able to smell it.  Our weather report says that we'll have a Canadian front moving through here late this afternoon and it's going to cool us down.  We'll be 90 degrees by lunch and by 6pm, we'll be about 70.  Woohoo!!!!  getting out my sweaters today!!!
     I'm not quite through with this calendar.  I'm wanting it to have a "back to school" theme.  Seems like I'm trying to wrap up so many projects this month that I just keep going back and forth from one to another.  I swear I have adult ADD.  Sometimes I can't keep my focus.  I hate that!  I like to sit down with a project and really spend some time on it to make it the best I possibly can.  I'm not happy when I feel like I'm throwing something together because it has to be done.  But, hey, life does get in the way and you just have to keep going.  Which is a good thing!  Could be a different ending...............

365Calendar - August

This is July finished.  Wow!  I find that I'm never ready for a month to end and prepare for a new one.  ")  I guess time does fly when you're having fun!  LOL
Here is my August calendar.  I really had the feeling that summer was nearing an end.  We have had a very unusual summer.  Very few 100 degree days and lots of rain.  Very weird for Oklahoma......but nice!  I used a beach theme for this calendar.  Although I have not had a bathing suit on for years!  (**)

365Calendar- June and July

This is my finished June calendar.  Oh my!  This makes me feel like the year is flying by!  I love doing this "lazy journaling".  ")  If you haven't tried it,
jump in!  It's so easy to jot down a few things from the day or just one item.  I love looking back over the months and seeing some of the happenings going on in my family and with friends and art associates.

For July I went all out Red, White and
blue!  I painted my background and then
added strips of music torn from a copy of the Star Spangled Banner.  I picked out reds and blues for the majority of the squares for each day of the month.  And, of course, I had to add some firework blasts!  LOL