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Sunday, October 4, 2015

This is the day the Lord has made.................

 let us rejoice and be glad in it!"  Psalm 118:24   My oldest and best friend used to wake her children quoting this Scripture to them.  They weren't always appreciative of it, but they know this verse by heart!  :)
It was such a beautiful fall morning, gorgeous blue sky, slight breeze ruffling the American flag and sunshine hitting the tops of the trees, I could not but quote this verse myself.
 Two of our neighbors have the American flag displayed outside the homes every day.  This one is across the street from our home.  The other is down the road a bit but when the leaves have all fallen from the trees, I can see it blowing in the stronger fall and winter winds.  There's just something about the American flag waving in the breeze that reminds me what a great country we live in.  Oh, there are many things that we complain about, but we have so many more freedoms and advantages here than anywhere else in the world.  How glad I am that I have been privileged to be born here.
My husband spotted this leaf newly fallen from my crepe myrtle into a spider web.  I had to use my Mr. Mister to get some water on the delicate web because I wanted it to show in the photograph too.  This beautiful creation caught in midair by the works of another created creation of wonder was so awe-inspiring.  I just had to write about it.  I pray each of you is enjoying some sunshine in your life today.  God's blessings on you all!