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Monday, May 16, 2016

Iris Springs Continues

As my bed of purple irises began to die out, my white irises, old-fashioned bronzes, and yellows began to bloom and really put on a colorful show.

In the background behind the white irises, my day lilies were shooting up buds on long stems.  These are dark yellow trumpets.......small but beautiful.

The white irises have a small showing of yellow beards sticking out from the centers and down onto the falls.

These old-fashioned bronzes were planted here by my mother-in-law over twenty years ago.   Some years they make no showing at all, but with all the rain they really came out for a great display.

This is another iris I inherited from a friend.  They really brighten up the corner of the yard where they are planted.   They always seem to be the last to bloom.  They usually take me by surprise!   I nearly forget them and then, voile! there they are!  It's almost as if a light has been turned on in that corner of the yard.  I have truly enjoyed this Iris Spring! 

Iris Spring

My irises went crazy this Spring!   Very little care goes into this marvelous bed of irises.  I inherited these lovely flowers from a friend who had become allergic to grass and leaves (almost anything outdoors) due to some medication she was on.   She had about 300 irises.  I didn't bring that many to my yard, but at least 100.  Over the years they have died out, or the hybrid ones have reverted back to white.   But the irises in this bed continue to  hold their colors.   It is such a great array of purples and violets.

The close-up here shows the various placements of the color in centers and the "falls" (the petals hanging down).   Two of my favorites:  1) lavendar centers with purple falls; 2) purple/white centers with white falls outlined in purple.

The irises above that have not unfurled are white with lavender outlines in the centers and on the falls.  Below is a close-up of one that has purple outlines and has unfurled.

Below is a photo of one of the lavendar ones as it begins to unfurl.