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Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Trip Begins!

Judi and I awaiting our plane at the airport.  This is the lady that introduced me to rubberstamping in 1994.  At first I just used it with the PreK-4 class that I taught.  In 1997 I decided to make my own Christmas cards and really became addicted to those little rubber creations.  I left teaching in Dec. of 1998, and in Jan 1999, Judi and I joined a group of artists in Collinsville.  We learned many techniques and styles of art as we collaborated with these ladies each month and worked on group projects.  When our leader moved away, we tried to stay connected, but after several months it was obvious that we were going in different directions.
After a few years of belonging to other art groups, one of our original group who had become "StampDiva" with an online store, invited us to join her online group.  The group going to Paris together is part of that group.  Even though a few faces have changed over the past, the nucleus is still the same:  Susan (StampDiva), Pat, Sara, Jan, Barb, Judi, Minori and myself.  We had never met Pat face to face as she lives in England, nor Minori, who lives in Japan........that's the great thing about having an online group!  ")  There would be six of us together in Paris:  Susan, Pat, Judi, Sharon, Jan and Barb (who lives in St. Louis).