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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Mail Art for Sara - back

Mail Art for Sara - back, originally uploaded by inkybru.

On the back of the bird, I used a text paper and cut out the letters 'H E A R T" to put across the top of the bird. I cut a heart from a Bingo card (Sara and I both love to use Bingo cards in our artwork). I punched a tiny heart to use in the "free" space. Then I added a faux postage sticker to add to the bottom of the bird.

Mail Art for Sara

Mail Art for Sara, originally uploaded by inkybru.

This is the Mail Art that I created to send to Sara in February for art club. I really didn't want to make a valentine, but wanted to include a heart. So I drew this bird with a heart in his mouth and covered him with decorative paper. I used the front for the addresses and stamps. I used half of a postal cancellation stamp for the beak.