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Friday, June 24, 2016

Donating to Others

Two of the young moms at our church are working with the teenage girls this summer on a study to help them make good choices in their lives.   They have homework and are given points for several steps they make in this study.  The steps are given a ticket value.  These young moms have spent their own money to purchase several "prizes".    The girls receive points and tickets every week.   They are able to "shop" through the prizes and spend their tickets. 

To help these young moms with their budget, I made single sheet note cards.  I used these colorful blank note sheets and added the seahorse to one set and the sand dollar to another.   There are 8 cards and envelopes in each set.  I love donating to a good cause and I really feel these young ladies are a very good cause. 
I always photograph my work and sometimes make notations to identify donations.   I know there are thousands of other artists out there that donate, too.  I feel we are part of a community that makes someone's day a little brighter.   If you have a story for me, please leave a comment.   Thank you for visiting my blog!


  1. Sharon, You have such a generous heart and you and the others are surely helping to make a difference to the lives of those girls.
    Great notecard ideas.

  2. Thank you so much, Lynne. These were super fast as I was preparing for my trip when they needed them. The young mothers working with them are great gals! Thank you for visiting my blog. Sharon xx
