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Monday, May 16, 2016

Iris Springs Continues

As my bed of purple irises began to die out, my white irises, old-fashioned bronzes, and yellows began to bloom and really put on a colorful show.

In the background behind the white irises, my day lilies were shooting up buds on long stems.  These are dark yellow trumpets.......small but beautiful.

The white irises have a small showing of yellow beards sticking out from the centers and down onto the falls.

These old-fashioned bronzes were planted here by my mother-in-law over twenty years ago.   Some years they make no showing at all, but with all the rain they really came out for a great display.

This is another iris I inherited from a friend.  They really brighten up the corner of the yard where they are planted.   They always seem to be the last to bloom.  They usually take me by surprise!   I nearly forget them and then, voile! there they are!  It's almost as if a light has been turned on in that corner of the yard.  I have truly enjoyed this Iris Spring! 


  1. Thank you, Lynne. These flowers take such a small amount of care. I used to plant dozens of flowers around my yard and would spend all day caring for each pot/bed. The past few years I have not planted much at all. Last year I started increasing my pots a little and this year I have increased them even more. I do love the beauty and color that flowers bring to the yard, but it is a lot of work. The older I get, the harder it is! LOL But, life goes on and so does my need of beauty and color around me. Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Happy creating!
