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Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Our Christmas Baby.......

 Christmas presents crowded around Sharla's tree.  Chris and Sharla were our hosts for our family Christmas Eve Eve get together.  And there were still more to come!
 But this is the best present!  This little guy (and he WAS little) was born the day after Christmas in 2006.......three months early.  He weighed 2.7lbs and was 15" long.  His mother had been told not to expect him to live.  Many, many prayers went up across this land.  God really gave us a miracle!  He is sooooo healthy, vibrant and active!  We always celebrate his birthday at our Christmas gatherings and thank God for giving him to us.  We stop each day to look at him and think what a miracle he is.  But we also look around at our other grandchildren and thank God for such a beautiful healthy bunch of kids.
     Birthday donuts were Jacob's choice to celebrate his birthday this year.  Thank you, Livi Lee's for a job well done!  Yum!


  1. I remember your holding your breath during this time and so many prayers were sent to you and your family. Jacob is a miracle for sure!!!

  2. And we thank you for all the prayers you said for him. What a blessing he is. ")
