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Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas time! Christmas time!

 Nana has been a busy little elf!  LOL  Oh, my!  You've heard the phrase: "don't bite off more than you can chew"?  Well, here proof that I did just that!  The envelopes were filled with money for the gkids.  And, of course, I JUST HAD to decorate them.  ")  The decorated tags are for the "stocking buckets" shown below.  And they are the ones for the gkids.  The plain manila shipping tags with names and one sticker are for all the adults because this little elf ran out of time!  LOL
     The buckets shown here are in place of all the stockings everyone has hung at home.  We go a little crazy with stocking stuffers!  LOL  So, our youngest daughter saw these cute buckets while running through Dollar Tree on one of here shopping sprees and grabbed enough for our whole immediate family (plus one girl friend of our oldest grandson).  We usually stuff and stuff items into stockings until you just can't get one more thing into them.  Then we start little piles of gifts under the appropriate stocking, and, needless to say, things get a little mixed up and wild and crazy.  So Ru thought this bucket idea would be a great remedy to all that craziness.  And she was right!  But I decided I would make cute tags to go one each bucket.  ")  Well, at least the gkids got their's done.  Everyone was crazy about this idea except our leader (who hates change) ......known as Papaw to all his family.  ")  We had our family gathering last night (Christmas Eve Eve) so gkids could go to the other grandparents for tonight.  Merry Christmas everyone!


  1. Christmas Eve is always so much fun because it is exciting to watch the children and their excitement and joy as they open each gift. ") Probably my favorite time of the year with all my family. ")
