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Showing posts with label irises. Show all posts
Showing posts with label irises. Show all posts

Friday, April 20, 2012

Iris Bed

I wish I had photographed this bed before I cut all the white ones that are trimmed in purple, but we kept having rain and the stalks were so long that they were all falling onto the ground.  I cut them and made a beautiul bouquet of them.


I love these white irises trimmed in purple.  They just seem to light up my iris bed.  The stalks have been extra long this year sporting 5-6 blooms.  They have made wonderful bouquets in my vases.

This delicate pink iris has tiny pink flecks in the falls.  They are hard to see in this photo, but if I enlarged it, the photo actually became very blurry.  I think they are such a great addition to an iris bouquet.

This little beauty is such a striking bloom.  I think the light lavendar tops really set of the darker lavendar falls.  Stunning, isn't it?  ")