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Showing posts with label fleaMarket. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fleaMarket. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A little fun at the flea market...

Judi had seen this purse at one of the vendors just outside the Puces St. Ouen and the man tried to sell it to her for 15euros.  She put it back and we went to mail our postcards.  When we came back, she looked at it again.  He was not at the table when we walked up, but saw her from another booth.  He came running up and said, "Ah, you came back!"   She began to haggle with him, trying to get him down to 10euros.  Finally he said, "Oh, poor African man" and Judi said, "Oh, poor American woman"!  He finally gave in and let her have it for 10euros.  ")

Jan had been looking for a beret and found this at one of the vendors outside the market.  She had fun trying on the hats.

Clignancourt flea market..............

Barb took this photo of Jan and I digging through these trays of brass charms.  Our hands were black when we finished!  We did learn very quickly though to read the difference in centimes and euros!  We thought many of these were 50cents and they were 5euro apiece!   So we had to go back through everything we thought we wanted and dwindle down our haul.  We found some really nice bicycle and fan charms.  I ended up with a beautiful clown face.....can't remember who found that one  (Judi or Jan?).  These were some of the greatest times we had......digging through boxes or piles of items to find things to add to our artwork.  ")

Monday, October 24, 2011

Clignancourt......the largest flea market in Paris...............

Jan, Judi, Barb and Pat at the stalls in the flea market.  We actually walked past several vendors set up on the sidewalk outside the flea market.  This is actually one row after another of storage units......some have even installed glass fronts to make their stall look like a little store.  These rows are not in military order...........they are haphazard and the alley ways between them are numbers to keep you from getting lost.  There is also a map for you to use.  ")

Here Judi, Jan and Barb are searching the little boxes for any treasures they can find.  Lots of goodies here, but most were very expensive.

I thought this little row of Donald Ducks was so colorful.........and the cycle bands were a perfect color to pair with them.

The Metro.....

On the Metro to the flea market!  We had visited a flea market nearby the day before at Maubert.  Sunday we took off on the Metro to Vanves.  We also wanted to go to the old book market in that area.  Pat looked like the mother duck getting us all through the metro station and gates.  ")  But, we all made it through.....some of us after two tries at the gate.  ")