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Monday, October 24, 2011

Clignancourt......the largest flea market in Paris...............

Jan, Judi, Barb and Pat at the stalls in the flea market.  We actually walked past several vendors set up on the sidewalk outside the flea market.  This is actually one row after another of storage units......some have even installed glass fronts to make their stall look like a little store.  These rows are not in military order...........they are haphazard and the alley ways between them are numbers to keep you from getting lost.  There is also a map for you to use.  ")

Here Judi, Jan and Barb are searching the little boxes for any treasures they can find.  Lots of goodies here, but most were very expensive.

I thought this little row of Donald Ducks was so colorful.........and the cycle bands were a perfect color to pair with them.

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