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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Journal Soup

 I viewed a video by Kate Crane over the weekend called "Journal Soup".  I loved every minute of it!  She gives so many great ideas to help one be ready to sit down and make an art journal page in a very short time.  I was so inspired that I went directly to my art table as soon as I finished viewing her video.  (You can visit her blog: and the link to learn all about the video and how to purchase it to view is on the right side of the page near the top.)  I have never put so many colors on a page!  She shows you how to blend them together and add interesting bits and pieces to enhance the page.  On this first one, I added my bits and pieces from a bag of goodies that I keep as additions to pages.  I told Kate that I was going to call it my "Journal Soup Bag".  ")  I gathered up anything that looked like it would make an interesting mark on the page and began to take things out of my bag.......and soon I had a page done!
     I decided to draw the little angels on the second page.   (Kate had drawn some on one of her pages.)  I'm not comfortable drawing, but if I don't keep at it, I'll never be comfortable with it.  I think I'm learning not to be overly concerned with the idea that it has to be just right before continuing on.  I had found a small piece of music in my bag and added some acrylic inks to it before cutting it into strips.  I stenciled the pocket I made, added some credit card marks, a strip of washi tape and a word.  The words are actually from one of the magnetic collections that were so popular about 15yrs ago.  I was very, very happy with the pages I made.  Needless to say, I have several more ready to add detail and journaling.  If you've been a little nervous about jumping in to this world of art journaling go to Kate's blog and look at some of her work and maybe you'll be inspired to have a go with the video.  Happy creating!

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