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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Journal Soup

 I viewed a video by Kate Crane over the weekend called "Journal Soup".  I loved every minute of it!  She gives so many great ideas to help one be ready to sit down and make an art journal page in a very short time.  I was so inspired that I went directly to my art table as soon as I finished viewing her video.  (You can visit her blog: and the link to learn all about the video and how to purchase it to view is on the right side of the page near the top.)  I have never put so many colors on a page!  She shows you how to blend them together and add interesting bits and pieces to enhance the page.  On this first one, I added my bits and pieces from a bag of goodies that I keep as additions to pages.  I told Kate that I was going to call it my "Journal Soup Bag".  ")  I gathered up anything that looked like it would make an interesting mark on the page and began to take things out of my bag.......and soon I had a page done!
     I decided to draw the little angels on the second page.   (Kate had drawn some on one of her pages.)  I'm not comfortable drawing, but if I don't keep at it, I'll never be comfortable with it.  I think I'm learning not to be overly concerned with the idea that it has to be just right before continuing on.  I had found a small piece of music in my bag and added some acrylic inks to it before cutting it into strips.  I stenciled the pocket I made, added some credit card marks, a strip of washi tape and a word.  The words are actually from one of the magnetic collections that were so popular about 15yrs ago.  I was very, very happy with the pages I made.  Needless to say, I have several more ready to add detail and journaling.  If you've been a little nervous about jumping in to this world of art journaling go to Kate's blog and look at some of her work and maybe you'll be inspired to have a go with the video.  Happy creating!

March Calendar

 This is the beginning of my March layout.  I say the beginning because I know I will add more detail throughout the month.
This is a closer view of the end of the month.  I am so ready for Spring! as I am sure the rest of the nation is.  What a winter!  We have had more near 0 and below 0 degree weather this winter than I've seen in years.   (and, yes, I AM old enough to say that!!!  LOL)  The butterfly and the flower in her hair  are signs of Spring that I hope to see very soon!  Happy journaling!

February's over???

Yep, February is gone???  I can't believe how fast the month left us behind!  LOL  I finished the month writing about my trip to Nashville with my three daughters to see my granddaughter.  (daughter of my youngest daughter, Ru).  I thought I had lots of time to work on my new calendar.  Well, I actually had the base done and blocks on, but I so wanted to add more detail.  My February layout has changed since I first posted it.  Seems like I can't help but add some more detail as I write in daily details.  I love doing this!   Such a great way to make note of those little things that get lost in the daily living.  Try it!  Just go to and sign up.  You've got the rest of the year ahead of you!