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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A Little Christmas Crafting

 My three girls and I had a great crafting day this past Saturday.  Just the four of us!  That hasn't happened for over 16 years!  We each worked on a wreath for our home.  I made this small one for my studio. Here you see it hanging on the door to my studio.
 I cut 100 strips of scrapbooking papers 1" X 6".  I used a flat foam wreathe base on which to pin the looped papers.  I found that it was easier to work with them if I taped the loop together before trying to pin it.  Otherwise, the loop kept uncurling.  This took quite some time to finish.  (But my daughter Ru made one from 500 coffee filters that took her nearly 5 hrs to make!  Turned out beautifully!)
This collection of paper is from French General, the Red Pack.  I love that they are double-sided, and, therefore they coordinate so well.  I only used about 6 papers, but because they are double-sided, it looks like I've used 12 different papers.  This wreathe base measured approximately 12".  I think if you used a 16-18", you would need to have about 300 strips of paper cut.  I used T-pins to secure them to the base.  The ones I used were actually too long.  Some of these pins stuck out of the back just enough to prick my fingers when I handled it.  If I make another one, I will look for shorter pins.  (If you're a seamstress/crafter and know of shorter ones, please contact me!  Thanks.)


  1. What a lovely wreathe and you're right - it looks like used a zillion different papers! I love that it is hanging on your studio door to greet you each time you enter. And it probably means a lot to you as you think of the time spent with all of your amazing daughters too!

  2. Yes, Sara, I do think of our day together. It is always a joy to spend time with my daughters and even better when all three of them can be present. ") And, yes! I did feel like it was a zillion different papers I attached to the foam ring! But, the conversation around the table made the time fly by.
