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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

My Dress #2

 This dress is another one I remember from my childhood.  Floral material was so popular for little girls at that time.....and tons of pink!  ")  My mom was creative and would altar a pattern and was therefore able to come up with so many different looks.  (She actually did not have to use a pattern most times).  I used a combination of pink and floral for this dress.  I used a scalloped collar and pearl buttons on it and pink trim for the cuffs.  The apron has flowers at each scallop.  I cut the flowers from the same paper as the dress.  I had this little girl on a label in my stash and thought she was perfect for this dress.  I added the little bird to the left side.  Then I added the phrase "Dream with your eyes wide open."
I love this paper I used on the back.  I thought it looked like something from my era.  I used part of a small bingo card for the back and cut out a tiny stamped doll (from B-Line Designs) to add next to it.  The label I used for the signature is actually part of the card from which I cut my phrase for the front.


  1. Very nice! Looking back, isn't it amazing how much was accomplished - the sewing, cooking, cleaning, caring for family, working.... all done by hand!

  2. Yes, amazing! I'm reading a light-hearted mystery about a caterer. She has a teenage son and amid all the hub-bub that goes on in her life, she is constantly cooking and setting up schedules to follow, running to and fro and managing a household. It really makes me think of my mom and Dad and how much work they could accomplish in one day! This was such a great round robin!
