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Saturday, June 18, 2011

VBS..............a l-o-n-n-n-g journey!

I can't believe it's been so long since I was on my blog!  Starting in March, we started preparing for our Vacation Bible School.  I was asked to do the set for the worship rally center and to head up crafts.  I'm so thankful for the three ladies that helped me with the crafts................Judi, Faye and Becky.  What a marvelous time we had!  (not only with one another, but with all those children............such diverse personalities and talents.  ").    I started collecting cardboard boxes...........from large (ones that had contained couches) to small (the ones that come in the mail and contain meds, etc.)   Soon there was hardly room to move in my house!  It began to rain and had eventually rained out every "work day" that I had planned at know, those days that you're hoping to have all that wonderful "child labor"?!!!   LOL   PLEASE DO NOT EMAIL ME AND LECTURE ME ON MY ARCHAIC PARENTING SKILLS..................THIS IS AN ATTEMPT AT HUMOR!   I only say that because a friend of mine tried to add some humor to her blog and was inundated with emails raking her over the coals.............nope, not going to mention what that was all about!  LOL   OK, back to the topic at hand, VBS............after gathering cardboard for a month, I began to beg, borrow and buy paint.  Our main decorating theme was a cityscape..............NYC Adventure (emphasis on inner-city missions).   So, one.......and I do mean ONE, sunshiny day, I gathered my grandchildren out in the yard and handed each one a paint brush/roller.  I had them to paint my background color on large sheets of cardboard for me.  (I had just gone to my Dr to see if I had pneumonia and found out that I have COPD, and she did not think I needed to be painting anything...............but, hey, time was running out.........we were getting close to the end of May.  I donned apron, gloves and mask and added detail to the "buildings" I cut out of the cardboard.  I even had my dear husband to photograph me in my attire.  ")   (and I also submitted it for the slide show we had of our VBS............great opening picture!)


  1. Sharon...I am so sorry that you have COPD. I am glad that your doctors were able to identify what you have and you now know what you can or can't do.

    I love the your humor on your blog! For a "tolerant" society, people are not so much!

    Looks like Mason and Jacob had a great time!

  2. Hi, Sara! I'm actually going to a COPD class that my insurance company is giving in Tulsa tomorrow.....I guess I should say "information session".......Yes, those boys had such a good time!

    Can't live without a little humor!
