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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Inside back cover


  1. Hi Sharon, this is Coleen from TeaOnTheTerrace. I was pleased to see you are doing the challenge. I was even more pleased to see that you are a Christian artist. I'm sure there are plenty out there, but I don't know many. I figured that out from your profile. I've enjoyed looking at your blog. Maybe it is hard for you to get to crafting cuz you have 3 girls. BTW, we are Okie's too..

  2. Hey, Coleen! Thanks for visiting my blog. So, where are you living now? Looked like it was the frozen north. It has snowed all day long here and is really piling up......well,
    maybe 8" so far....we had a blizzard in Dec...
    Christmas Eve, no less! We've had more ice and snow on the ground this winter than we have in a long time. Yes, it's always a pleasure to meet a sister in Christ. My 3 girls are grown and have children of their own, but I do a lot with their children. There's nothing like having a good creative day at my art table, though. Working on another book now along with everything else.
    I'm trying to think of a theme for my art tags for the Life Path Journaling this year... Maybe I should just put "LIFE" on it; that could include the whole spectrum! Thanks again for visiting here. ")
