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Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Looking at journals.............

In the evenings, we would gather
in the garden at the hotel and look at journals, visit and sometimes eat.  ")  This night we were looking at the journals everyone made to bring with them.  Some (like mine) were very simple with pockets for stashing little goodies (like used Metro tickets, receipts, business cards and tags from clothing, scarves, shoes, etc).  I also had enough pages to write a little recap of our day before going to bed each night.  Pat had a rather elegant one with a material covering.  She was adding pictures and ephemera each day.  It was great to sit and discuss the different styles we had used and also to discuss what projects we might launch into in the coming year. 

Monday, October 17, 2011

More travel companions.............

Jan White (on the right) met us at the Tulsa airport and we flew to Chicago for our next connection.  Barb Wenkel (2nd from the right) flew in from St. Louis to join us.  We were awaiting the arrival of Susan Wilkin.  Susan's plane from OkCity landed just minutes before we were to take off.  She entered the plane, they shut the doors and we were ready to taxi down the runway for take-off!  It was hard to believe we were actually on our way to Paris!.......and with our wonderful friends!