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Saturday, January 31, 2015

Back of Round Robin Book

This is the back of my altered book for the 2015 round robin in our art club. I loved the ABC decorative paper.  I added a bread tag to the alphabet paper.  I added a piece of paper at the top to finish off the page.  Overlapping that, I added another piece that contained an area in which to write....looks like a postcard.  I wrote my name and blog on it and in the area to the left of the postcard I wrote "Define It!".  I cut out a small stamped tag that reads:  Journey.  Then I added a strip of botanical washi tape down the left side.  I am very pleased with my finished pages.  I really think from front to back all my art work shows the theme of this book.  Can't wait to see what all my art sisters put in it.  ")   Happy creating!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Alphabet/Define It!...another pg...

This is another sample in my Alphabet/Define It! altered book.  Instead of using words to describe "nest", I used pictures to describe it.  I tore a strip of painted paper and added the letters: n e s t.  I also added letters to spell NEST to the top of the page  I used the nest stickers from Cavallini to this page.  I then added strips of washi tape randomly around the page.  I used a yellow bread tab that had the words: "Use by" and a date on it.  (I guess I should have added "Going south" under that!  LOL)

I tried to show three options for working in my book, but each participant has artistic license as they portray their word, phrase or quote.  I am looking forward to this new year of our round robin and swaps.  ")

Saturday, January 10, 2015

New altered book: Alphabet/Define It!

 I altered Stampington's 2004 daily calendar that is filled with wonderful art work.  I had to tear out several of the pages (which I saved to use in other altered books").  This book will be for the 2015 Round Robin in my art club this year.   By the time this book comes back to me it will be bursting with art work from my art sisters in my art club.  Exciting!  I cut this bird from some Basic Grey papers that I have had for some time and just could not bear to cut.......time to get the scissors out and go to work.    I stamped one of my favorite alphabets on a panel and spritzed it with Tiger Lily ink by Tattered Angels.  I used a panel cut from text card stock and spritzed it with Dylusions' Dirty Martini and Blue Turquoise by Tattered Angels.  I used a strip of washi tape down the left side and attached the text panel to the front of the calendar book.  I layered the alpha panel with burgundy and attached it to upper left corner.  I cut the bird from the BG paper and adhered it to the right side of the cover.  I added a small panel with "Define It!" and layered it with burgundy cs, spritzed it with the TigerLily ink and attached it to the lower middle of the cover.  I added strips of gold washi tape randomly on the cover.  I swiped gold paint on a bread tab and added it to the right side of the cover.  I added a metal button to the upper right hand corner of the cover.  I tied two keys to the top of the wire spirals and also tied a bow with crunched burgundy bias tape to the top.

     On the inside of the cover I added two vellum envelopes.  I typed instructions and printed them out.  I cut around them and added them to a decorative panel, signed it and added it to the top envelope.  I tucked enough tags into the bottom pocket for my art sisters to decorate and sign for the pages they do in my book.  I wrote my name/address/phone number on a decorated tag and added it to the top of the right-hand page.  I added another vellum envelope to the bottom o the page.  I cut several small art pictures from a page I had torn out of the book.  I put them in the pocket and printed out instructions  to glue to the envelope.  These pictures are for my art sisters to choose from to decorate their tags.
 (art work by Karla Fuller)  I love the blue on this page.  I cut out various letters from card stock and used them to designate  each set of alphabet pages.  I made a sample of what I want in this book and attached it to the page on the right side.  I painted some adding machine tape ( as seen in Somerset Studio's July/Aug 2014 article:  "Cha-Ching Tape:  Mixed-Media Playtime by Cynthia Jerred) and tore a piece of it off to write the definition for ABSURD.  I used one of the pieces of art that contained that word to use as a visual aid.  I want definitions (DEFINE IT!) but also art work.

 This is a a better view of the painted

 This is the "H" that I used for this set of pages.  I used a quote for this page to show that the contributors can use not only words but also quotes or proverbs and then add art work for their visual aids.

This is the complete quote with my art work.  I used the painted tape again to cut out the house parts.  I love that the "H" stands not only for HOME but also for HEART.  Here again I used a bread tab.  It is the door to this tall house.  For some reason I am drawn to the numbers on the tags and love to use these tabs in many places in my art work.  I especially like to use them in art journals.

(I have one more word that I want to do.....just one word but lots of pictures and art work.  I'll post it when finished.....before I send my book on it's adventure.  ").

Monday, January 5, 2015

Documented Faith

 I'm joining Stephanie Ackerman and her Documented Faith group this year.  It is all about growing in your faith.  Using words of faith in your art work and learning your strengths in Christ.  We are using a Moleskin daily calendar for our journals.
I placed a strip of washi tape down the opening side of my journal because I haven't decided yet whether or not I'm going to decorate the front.
 Each page is edged with colorful washi tape to make them stronger.  A year of turning these pages is bound to cause some wear and tear.  I think it is gorgeous!
The first word that Stephanie sent to us was TRUTH.
Yeah......I wrote down Trust......and AFTER I worked on my page this week, then I noticed it was Truth.  So,
I'm not in sinc with everyone else.  But, I did have a good week of Bible study.  ")

I love this little card.  I've got to check my Etsy order and see who sent it.  I've ordered so many things lately that I can't remember.  I'll be back to update this post when I figure that out.  ")  (I've got ideas of making myself a deck of cards in a similiar of  my addictions is altering playing cards.  ")  You can see some of my altered cards at: