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Thursday, June 19, 2014

What happened to April and May???

 Well, here's my proof that I WAS around for April and May!  LOL  I am so glad that I decided to do the 365 Calendar pages with Kate Crane this year.  I have been so busy running to and fro with family that it has been hard to find time to sit at my art table or to write on my blog.  But here are my April calendar pages completely filled in!  Some people call this "the lazy journaler".  And it IS a journal.  Each day you journal something that you really remember from the day.....maybe it was simply "nothing happening today" or maybe it's "this was the best day ever!"   Whatever you jot down is there for you to browse in later days.  Great way to jot down funny, happy, sad or just very memorable days.
     And, here is May.....once again running with family.....or in this case, flying.  My cousin and I flew to Albuquerque to help her daughter set up the nursery for their first baby.  We were back home exactly one week and she delivered a healthy baby girl one month early.  Tiny little Mikayla weighed in at 4lb and 12oz.  She is now home with Mom and Dad.  We are all so excited for this sweet family.  ")
     I'm hoping to have more time on my blog this month.  Hope to be back here soon!

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