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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Eve Game Night!

 We are a family that loves games!  We had been wanting to have a game night for months, but everyone's schedules plus sickness in the family had prevented it.  So, due to forecasts of ice and snow for our area, the adults decided that Christmas Eve would be a good game night and then we could all stay snuggled in on Christmas Day.  We had all been cooking in preparation for Christmas Day anyway.  So we gathered at our house, built up the fire in the fireplace, laid out the food and drinks and enjoyed the feast.  Then we settled in for a great time of competitiveness!  No TV, no texting, just fun!  We all truly enjoyed it!  Took me back to a time when the girls were young and we had fun evenings around the fireplace and around the table.  ")
Rachel bought us some Who-style headbands to wear!  Here you see JP and Ru modeling theirs.  (Doesn't Ru make you think of Cindy Lou Who?!! LOL)

Reluctantly, the girls lined up for me to take a photograph of them with their darling head gear.  Ru has the droopy candy cane with mistletoe on the end, Rachel has the lady antlers with tiny red bows, and Sharla has the striped hat with a twisty end topped off with the white pompom.  Merry Christmas!

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