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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Pat took this photo of us on the bridge and you can see all the locks that have been latched around the wire on the sides of the bridge.  Lovers write their names on these locks and secure them to the sides of the bridge (supposedly for "everylasting love").  And once again we see Notre Dame in the background.  :)

We were told that as the locks begin to completely coverthe wires, city workers cut them off of the wires and dispose of them.  (so much for "everlasting")

Pat took a close up of these.  (All these photos courtesy Pat Rogerson).

More Window Shopping

Pat took this photo of these interesting teapots.  They really have that Asian look.  In fact, when I ordered tea in one of the tea shops, the teapot they brought out was similiar to these.

Pat also took this photo.  These mannequins were in the souvenir shop we visited earlier in the day.  Very interesting.

Here's some more of those adorable items.  These are tart spatulas.  Cute little doggies, huh?  LOL

These are tweezers and a compact mirror.  Just the cutest!

Window Shopping

I thought these make-up brushes were adorable!  We had so much fun window shopping......almost as much fun as actually buying things.  (almost!  LOL) 

The cheese graters were just too cute, too.  If I had one, I probably would not want to use it!  ")

Wow!  I can't image making this necklace!  Look at all the cabachons! 
 The earrings to go with these necklaces looked like they weighed a pound apiece!
I don't know if these medallions were pins or just an ornament, but the colors were so very pretty.

Eating on the I'ile

Judi is standing in the doorway of the most famous ice cream parlor in Paris.  It is also on the ile Saint Louis.  Right behind her you can see a large, magnificent bouquet of flowers on a stand as you enter the shop.

 In this photo Pat took of me, you get a better view of the bouquet.
This is a triple dip ice cream.  I chose almond, choc. chip, and tiramisu.  A curved, thin almond wafer stands at the back of  the bowl to showcase this delicious dessert.  Well worth the visit!  We did not have to stand in a line to get in as most guide books will tell you is often the case.  In fact, the shop was not full at all and this was a Saturday afternoon. 

The waitress graciously took this photo of us.  We had such a wonderful time together.
     This is such a beautiful restaurant on the ile, and no, we did not eat here.  Photo courtesy of Pat Rogerson.

On Saint Louis L'ile

(I meant for this to be the last photo on this post.  Guess I'm going to have to contact Blogger to see what's going on)                                           Here you see Judi and I emerging from the shop with our little sacks full.  <**>
I love the street signs in Paris!  This, of course, is in the 4th Arrondissement and on the ile of Saint Louis (San Louie).

This was a wonderful stationery/paper shop.  We had not been in one up to this point.  There were so many gorgeous things inside..............wish I had taken some photographs inside.

Out and About

Pat, Judi and I went to the Arabic Institute after we left the group.  These windows are made up of individual camera lenses to adjust the light coming into the building.

Pat took this photo of Judi and I as we were looking across the city.  We were on the rooftop of the Arabic Institute.  They have a restaurant with a terrace that overlooks the city.  It has a nice view of the Seine River. 

 I love this photo of Judi and Pat!  You can tell it was quite windy up there by looking at Pat's hair.
It seems that almost anywhere in our neighborhood, we were able to tak wonderful photos of Notre Dame.  I really like this view of it.

Our Last Saturday in Paris

This is the group going up the hill from the hotel to the Maubert flea market.............duckies in a row!  LOL   This will be our second Saturday to visit this flea market.


Wow!  It's already the middle of January 2012!  Where does the time go?  It seems that I have started the new year at a run.  It's been three weeks since I've posted anything.  I'm hoping to finish the Paris trip the next day or so.   Look at these lovely tags!  These are from Sandy Gordon.  You must go to her site a see all the beautiful artwork she has.  I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and that your new year is going great for you.