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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Orsay Museum

Our day at the Orsay Museum was to meet Catherine Moore and her group that were in Paris the same week as we were.  In fact, Catherine is the reason for our smaller group to be there.  I had seen her advertisement for her 2011 Artists' Workshop in Paris..........I had purchased the magazine in March of  2010.  I immediately called my friend Sara and suggested that some of us sign up for it.  She told me that she and her daughter Kimberly had already signed up and that I should call Catherine immediately.  Sorry to say, her roster was already full.  She had started a cancellation stand-by list and put me on it.  In the meantime, I talked to Pat Rogerson in England and Susan Wilkin here in Oklahoma.  Soon we were saying, "Why not form our own  group to go?" and we ended up with our group of six.  Here is Jan in the dining room of the Orsay.  We had lunch with Catherine's group and were able to meet the women in her group......well, and two men.....two of the husbands came, one being Dale Moore....Catherine's husband. 

Here is Susan sitting by Sara Hanlon at the other table.  Sara and Kimberly had recently moved to Minneapolis due to Kimberly's acute broncchial asthma.

Susan, Jan and Barb waiting on the rest of us to leave for the Orsay Museum.

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